You feel stuck between who you’ve always been for everyone else, and who you want to be for yourself.​
The problem is,
who you’ve "always been" is rooted in narratives you didn’t write. ​
Despite your accomplishments, narratives of patriarchy, misogyny, racism, sexism, respectability politics, etc. have made you silence your voice, and secretly doubt your confidence to live life by your own design. ​
As long as those narratives exist,
anxiety, self-sabotage, people pleasing, overwhelm, burnout... ALL THE THINGS, will continue to be a part of your life, relationships, and business.​​
Listen Friend your voice, and your story deserve to be heard, but first ...
YOU have to write it!
"Your ability to create the life you want lies in the stories you allow yourself to believe".
Meet Erika!
Psychotherapist, Empowerment Coach, Speaker, and Curator of Stories Erika Michelle Cherry is on a mission to empower women, especially women of color, to shed narratives of social conditioning and start making intentional choices that lead to the most authentic, empowered versions of themselves in life and business.
5 Tips to Cultivate Intentional Wellness.
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