Erika Michelle Cherry, MS, LMHC
Empowerment Speaker
Psychotherapist, Empowerment Coach, and Curator of Stories, Erika Michelle Cherry is on a mission to empower women, especially women of color, to shed narratives of social conditioning and start embodying intentional choices that lead to the most authentic, empowered versions of themselves in life and business.
"I believe that as women we inherently possess a power that across time and generations has been diminished or suppressed. My ultimate goal is to help other women, especially women of color, reignite their power, and free themselves from internalized messages associated with patriarchy, racism, misogyny, sexism... basically any story that tells them they are too much of one thing or not enough of something else. I want them to feel empowered to write their own narratives of unrelenting higher standards; of winning emotional battles with dignity, strength, and agility; of purpose and value driven leadership and impact; of intentionally defined healing and wellness; and of unwavering confidence and empowerment".

Speaker & Workshop Topics
PSA: Your But’s In The Way
Did you know that one of the biggest barriers to reaching goals or making the impact you want to make is a 3 letter word? And that word is… BUT.
In this presentation by
Empowerment Coach, Change Expert, and Psychotherapist Erika Cherry, audiences will come to understand the power they have to ignite or extinguish their personal development, and learn to rethink how they approach obstacles by harnessing the magic of two words… “YES, AND”.
This empowering talk will challenge audiences to detach from expected ways of problem solving, broaden their perspective, and create pathways of opportunity and greater impact in life and in business.
Letting Go To Move Forward
Moving through life transitions is hard and can often leave you feeling emotionally broken, physically drained, spiritually unsure...and STUCK.
In this gentle reality check, Empowerment Coach, Change Expert, and Psychotherapist Erika Cherry teaches her signature F.L.O.W. (freely live outside walls of limiting thoughts and beliefs) framework and challenges audiences to be curious about what’s actually keeping them from finding the forward motion and growth they desperately want.
This masterclass will equip audiences with tools to start making intentional, valued-aligned choices that boost their confidence and courage to finally take those scary steps towards the life they envision!
What is your silence costing you?
Sure, saying nothing might keep the peace… but it can also perpetuate systems of disproportionate power dynamics that leaves you feeling disrespected, unheard, and invalidated.
Empowerment Coach, Change Expert, and Psychotherapist Erika Cherry highlights some of the surprising ways in which women relinquish their power and conform to the expectations of status-quo. Whether in relationships, or business, audiences will be challenged to be reflective about the hidden cost associated with staying silent in the face of inequality.
This motivational talk will leave audiences with a sense of urgency to break toxic cycles and create change by igniting the full power of their voice.
The Space Between
There is a quote often attributed to Jewish Psychologist, Viktor Frankl that reads:
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom".
The problem is, many of us have been socially conditioned into automatic responses that we miss opportunities to connect with our power in the space between.
In this inquisitive talk, Psychotherapist and Empowerment Coach Erika Michelle Cherry invites audiences to be curious about why their responses are what they are, and leaves them with tips and strategies to access their own power to choose, grow, and be free
Other topics related to the wellness of entrepreneurs, female empowerment, mindset, confidence, and identity can be tailored to your audiences specific needs.